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WriteSmith works with people who need to write for work, school, or themselves. They may have projects that are routine in the course of their professional lives, are essential for career growth or significant in their personal lives. However, what they write rarely produces the desired affect. Their finished products don’t satisfy their audiences, move people or help them understand a concept. This leaves the writers feeling inadequate and, sometimes, afraid to attempt other writing projects.

People often have no idea why their writing doesn’t work. Here are some possible reactions to unsuccessful writing projects:

  • You are stuck trying to get started. Sometimes the topic seems so broad you have no idea what to write. Sometimes you don’t know enough about the topic to know how to start.
  • You’ve written a lot of ideas but the finished product doesn’t convey the right message. Your writing doesn’t say what you want it to say.
  • Your boss is unhappy with the finished product. You tried to follow his directions but he doesn’t agree with the results.
  • Your report doesn’t get the reaction you expected. Your audience didn’t understand the report or came to a different conclusion than you intended. You understand but others don’t get it.
  • Your marketing materials aren’t working. People are not responding to your materials. They are not generating more business or more prospects.
  • The first thing people see are the mistakes in your copy. They never get to the message.

My clients come to me for help in overcoming these issues and more.

WriteSmith, P.O. Box 1256, Newburyport, MA 01950
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